
My Heart & Me

**Why is it so hard to just be complete by ourselves? To not be dependent on someone else for your happiness? This is just my thoughts on why I need validation from others, telling me they love me. They want me. Why do I not want myself. Why do I not love myself. Why can I not be at home created by me.. My heart and me.**

There is a hole in my heart that keeps aching every now and then,

It calls for help every night when I try to sleep,

Craving to be filled, to be cured,

By someone who would love it despite its ugliness.

Every night it needs some validation,

For someone to hold it in their arms and say, “You are not alone, You are home.”

Someone to make it feel at peace.

But its not that easy, is it?

Because that hole keeps getting bigger and bigger,

Never gets fulfilled.

Never gets healed, and continues to bleed.

Where did I get that wound from? When did it become a hole?

When did I lose myself into loving others so much,

That I forgot how to cure myself, on my own?

So while every night this heart craves for you to come and stay,

I will let it bleed.

I will let it stay open, and cry every night.

Until it doesn’t need anyone to be at ease.

And finally once it stops crying for help,

When it is too tired to scream every night,

I will put a hand on it and cure it myself,

Every night, little by little,

Just me and my wounded heart,

Learning to be by ourselves, loving each other again,

Because no matter how many stitches it gets from outside,

The only way for it to heal is to be at home,

A home for eternity,

Just two wounded soldiers,

My heart and me..

By Imperfect_Souls

Just here to share and listen to new stories and thoughts.
This world has so many untold stories. Let's discover them together.

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